Sunday, June 17, 2007

The Falklands - 25 years on....

The Falkland Islands were liberated on 14 June 1982, two and a half months after they were invaded by Argentina. A total of 255 British servicemen, more than 600 Argentines and three islanders were killed in the 74-day conflict.

Back then, I hadn't realised how the Falklands War would prove to be such a significant turning point in the fortunes of Maggie Thatcher and the UK. At the time I disliked Thatcher, but still believed she made the right decision to send the Task Force.

I still believe the UK's military actions to retake the Falklands were entirely justified. But debate about the Falklands can wait for another day. Today we remember and honour the courage of those British soldiers who gave their lives 25 years ago.
Veterans mark Falklands conflict

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