Sunday, March 16, 2008

Iraq - 5 years later

On 20th March 2003, America, Britain and other allied forces (the "coalition of the willing") invaded Iraq. At the time according to US President George W. Bush and (then) UK PM Tony Blair, the objectives of the invasion were "to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), to end Saddam Hussein's support for terrorism, and to free the Iraqi people."
5 years, 4,200 US & UK troops killed and 90,000 dead Iraq civillians (according to conservative estimates) later, what has been the result?
Well, Saddam's gone. But no WMDs have been found, and the reputations of Messrs George W. Bush & Tony Blair are in tatters. Also many people still believe that the chief reason of the invasion was to secure US oil supplies and to make Iraq safe for the US oil industry.

Meanwhile, last week a roadside bomb killed at least 16 people travelling on a bus in southern Iraq, according to reports. The attack came a day after eight US soldiers and an interpreter were killed in two separate incidents.
Toxic world fallout from Iraq invasion
Iraq: Who won the war?

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