Sunday, April 20, 2008

Tax and be damned...

The chancellor Alistair Darling has insisted there will be no government U-turn over the decision to abolish the 10p starting rate of tax.
Speaking today on the BBC, Mr Darling said the government had already announced plans to spend an additional billion pounds on helping families.
The policy has caused anger among some Labour MPs who say it will unfairly hit the least well-off in society.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown has urged his party colleagues to look at the government's overall tax changes, which he says have helped low-paid families.
Darling: I can't rewrite Budget

It appears to me this debate is taking place one year too late. Where was the anger and fury from those Labour MPs when this change was originally announced by the (then) chancellor Gordon Brown? It was his decision to scrap the lower 10p tax rate...
Lib Dems slam Budget [2007] tax changes

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