Friday, September 12, 2008

Death to satellite TV?

From the BBC....

Saudi Arabia's most senior judge has stated it is permissible to kill the owners of satellite TV channels that show 'immoral' programmes.

Sheikh Salih Ibn al-Luhaydan said some "evil" entertainment programmes aired by the channels promoted debauchery.

The judge made the comments on a state radio programme, in response to a listener who asked his opinion on the airing of programmes featuring scantily-dressed women during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

"There is no doubt that these programmes are a great evil, and the owners of these channels are as guilty as those who watch them," said the sheikh. "It is legitimate to kill those who call for corruption if their evil can not be stopped by other penalties."
Saudi judge condemns 'immoral TV'

If I was Rupert Murdoch, I wouldn't make any plans to vist Saudi Arabia for the immediate future...
Still here's a thought - instead of watching these "scantily-dressed women" why not just switch channels?

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