Monday, March 30, 2009

More sex please, I'm the Home Secretary's hubby...

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith is facing severe embarrassment after "mistakenly" claiming second home expenses for two adult films watched by her husband.

The Sunday Express reported that the two films, which cost £5 each, were viewed on 6th and 8th April 2008 at Ms Smith's constituency home in Redditch, Worcestershire. Ms Smith claimed for these movies - watched by husband Richard Timney (who also doubles as her paid parliamentary aide), under her second homes allowance. She has apologised, adding that "in claiming for my internet connection, I mistakenly claimed for a television package alongside it". She has promised to pay the amount back in full.
Smith's husband sorry over films

Prime Minister Gordon Brown has offered his support for the Home Secretary, stating that this was a "personal matter", which ought not to "detract" from her "great" work.
Brown backs Smith in expenses row

Well I have to salute Richard Timney - parliamentary aide to his missus on a £40k a year salary, and adult movies paid by the taxpayer...definitely a cushy job in these recession-hit times.
Except that as a taxpayer, I have better things to do with my hard-earned money than pay for someone else's titillation (I'd rather spend it on MY own titillation, thank you very much).
What Jacqui Smith's husband chooses to do in the privacy of his own home is his own affair. However, the Home Secretary & Prime Minister should remember that his private pleasure has been paid for out of the public purse.

The Prime Minister should also remember that it was the perception of sleaze that led to the downfall of John Major's Tory government in 1997....

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