Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Eggs away!

BNP leader, Nick Griffin, was forced to abandon a press conference outside the Houses of Parliament yesterday, after being pelted with eggs by anti-fascist protesters.
Griffin was bundled into his car by his bodyguards, and promptly drove off.
Egg attack on BNP leader Griffin

I guess that's what happens when you're the leader of an eggs-treme party...

Seriously though, I thought yesterday's events were counter-productive. As much as I loathe them, the BNP were democratically elected to council and now European seats.

The egg-pelting stunt will gain free publicity for the BNP and their views - even worse, it will gain them sympathy, with Griffin seen as a "victim" who was denied his right to speak freely.

To me, the best way to fight the BNP would be to let Griffin and his cohorts speak. Interview them. Ask the BNP about their plans for the economy, their fiscal policies, the NHS, education, Britain's foreign policy, the environment and so on. Surely they can't blame all Britain's ills on asylum seekers and immigration?

Griffin and the BNP are tapping into a wellspring of frustration and rising xenophobia. But if you look closer, they doesn't have any answers, apart from the usual racist clap-trap...

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