Friday, December 25, 2009

Doctor Who (continued)...


Well it's Christmas Day (seasons greetings, by the way), which meant watching Doctor Who: The End Of Time, Part One - and the end of David Tennant's reign as the tenth Doctor...

Talk about over the top and totally bonkers! I mean, the Master's master plan? Converting the entire human race into carbon copies of himself (the "Master-race" indeed)! Was the Master watching The Matrix Reloaded earlier this week on the other channel?
It was good seeing John Simm again as the Master (even with blonde hair and superpowers) and it was a welcome return for Bernard Cribbins (Wilfred Mott) & Catherine Tate (Donna Noble). Also the coffee shop scene, with the Doctor discussing his fears to Wilf was touching - we'll miss you too, David (but Queen Elizabeth 1st won't).
Overall though, this episode felt somewhat disjointed (more of the cactus-aliens would have been nice), but we need to remember this is just the appetiser for the second part on New Year's Day.

But what a cliffhanger! The return of the Time Lords themselves...bring on part two!

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