Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year

Overall I'll be glad to see the back of 2006. Apart from getting a job, there has been too many personal setbacks this year.
Also, the recent death of James Brown and the farce surrounding the English football team's World Cup campaign (ah yes, those WAGS) was pretty depressing too...

Still I'm glad the Fort Myers High School Marching Band from Florida will be attending London's New Year's Day parade after parents vetoed an official ban on terror grounds.

So, for what's it worth, A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ONE AND ALL!!!
See you in 2007...
Banned band leads New Year parade

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Saddam is dead....

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Saddam Hussein was hanged at dawn on Saturday, a dramatic end for a leader who ruled Iraq by fear for three decades before a U.S. invasion toppled him and was then convicted of crimes against humanity. As day broke on one of the holiest days of the Muslim year and the call to prayer echoed out from minarets across a dark and bitterly cold Baghdad, officially-backed television channels flashed the news shortly after six a.m. (0300 GMT).

Note: an uncut video of Saddam's execution (including the actual hanging) is currently on the internet. I have decided against posting this footage on my blog.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Two years on...

Two years ago, nations were devastated as waves crashed into coastlines and killed more than 230,000 people in a dozen countries from Thailand to Somalia.
Let us pause and remember that awful event on Boxing Day 2004.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Respect due for the "Godfather of Soul"

I was already feeling a tad melancholy (obviously with a relative in hospital over Christmas, one's thoughts are concentrated on his well-being).

Then I hear the news that James Brown, "Godfather of Soul" is dead at the age of 73. He was admitted to hospital in Atlanta after being diagnosed with severe pneumonia but died at 0145 local time (0645 GMT).

I couldn't BEGIN to measure the impact James Brown had on music. In an era of "pop idols", James Brown is up there with Elvis and The Beatles.

In short, the man was a LEGEND, period.I know of his problems - but hey, none of us are perfect.

To say Hip-Hop owes James, big time is an understatement....
And as a forty-something black man, I still get chills up my spine when I listen to "Say it Loud, I'm Black and I'm Proud".

He had the FUNK, all right.....RIP, Godfather.
Soul star James Brown dies at 73

Monday, December 18, 2006


A face for the future: 20-year old Hip-Hop honey Angel, aka Lola Luv...
Angel/Lola Luv Myspace webpage

Christmas starts here...

Ok - the "Temptation hamper" has arrived today. Nuff respect to John Lewis for such a prompt delivery!!

Now it's starting to feel like Christmas (but still having a relative in hospital during this period does dampen the mood)....

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Get physical with your video-game....

An interesting tale regarding over-enthusiastic video-gamers, sweaty palms and flying "Wiimotes" (but nothing related to Karima "Lara Croft" Adebibe - sorry)...
Video gamers share their pain as they get active

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Ca$hley (continued).....

The Metropolitan Police are prepared to arrest supporters for trying to smuggle in Ca$hley pound notes or inflatable mobile phones during the Chelski v Arsenal match today (for those of you wondering what the fuss is all about, refer to my previous posts on Ca$hley).

I can see the charge now - Conspiracy with intent to mock....

Saturday, December 9, 2006

If this doesn't make you quit smoking, nothing will....

The death of the Russian ex-spy Alexander Litvinenko has placed the radioactive material polonium-210 in the spotlight.
For example, polonium-210 has been found in tobacco smoke from tobacco leaves grown with phosphate fertilizers. This apparently carries a cancer risk of 4 per 10000 smokers.
In view of this information, shouldn't cigarette packets carry the following sign?

Will this end the conspiracy theories?

According to the BBC, DNA tests on blood samples appear to prove the driver of Princess Diana's car was drunk on the night of her fatal accident.
As far as I'm concerned, that's that - her death was nothing more than a tragic accident.
But there will be doubters who'll view the demise of Princess Diana as another conspiracy similar to Jimmy Hoffa, President Kennedy and Marilyn Munroe.
Tests 'prove' Diana driver drunk

It's tough being a polar bear....

Yep - it's tough being a Polar Bear.
Besides being threatened by the effects of warmer temperatures in the Arctic, which is melting the ice cap, shrinking their hunting grounds and making it increasingly difficult for them to find food, these majestic animals have to watch out for bozos who want to LASSO them.
Ice cowboys fined for lassoing a polar bear

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Meanwhile back on planet Earth....

"Celebrity Big Brother" is scheduled to begin in January 2007. Apparently Whitney Houston is in talks to appear on the show. Other stars tipped to enter the Big Brother house in the New Year include Britney’s estranged husband Kevin Federline and Girls Aloud member Sarah Harding.
Somehow gargling razor blades seems a more exciting prospect than watching this show....

Water, water everywhere.....?

Scientists have found the strongest evidence yet that liquid water is flowing on Mars today. NASA pho­tos have re­vealed bright new deposits in two gullies on Mars that suggest liquid water coursed through these ditches sometime in the past seven years.
However some scientists think these fresh gullies could also have been cut by liquid carbon dioxide (CO2).
Usually whenever liquid water is found on Earth one will also find life. Does the same hold true on Mars?
It's a good enough reason to visit the planet....
Water flowed 'recently' on Mars

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Back to the moon...

Is this the next "giant leap for mankind"?

Nasa, the US space agency, has revealed plans to set up a permanent human settlement on the moon by 2024, as the first stage to manned exploration of Mars and beyond in the solar system.
Under the new programme, beginning in 2020, astronauts would make stays of a week. These would be gradually lengthened, so that within four years the base would be permanently manned, with astronauts living on the base for six-month stretches.
Unofficial estimates put the price tag at around $100bn (£50.8bn). For sending a man to Mars the costs will be far higher however, at least $600bn (£304bn).
US plans for Moon base

Monday, December 4, 2006

We can be Heroes (continued)...

Good news - the Beeb have purchased the UK rights to NBC's Heroes. The show should appear on BBC Two in 2007.

Thursday, November 30, 2006


Also read (with some incredulity) that Borat, the fake Kazakh documentarian and brainchild of Sacha Baron Cohen (aka Ali G), has been cited as the reason behind Hollywood's latest high-profile break-up: the New York Post recently reported that Pamela Anderson is divorcing Kid Rock because of his angry reaction to her scripted part in the film.
Did 'Borat' Cause Pam And Kid's Split?

The name is Diddy.....

Recently read somewhere that Sean Combs (alias Puff Daddy/ P Diddy) has revealed that he wants to be the first black man to play James Bond. Judging by the above picture, Sean has the outfit & the babes all sorted out - all he needs now is a British passport....
Diddy aims to be first black Bond

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

In praise of the older woman...

"Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety. Other women cloy the appetites they feed, but she makes hungry where most she satisfies."
William Shakespeare

Mexican Salma Hayek was born on September 2, 1966. Even at age 40, she is still one of Hollywood's most dazzling leading actresses.

Brit Donna Ambrose was born on 1 July 1965. She has used various aliases, including Donna Collins and Danica Collins in her modelling career. A former tabloid model, 41-year old Donna/Danica is rising in popularity again as a "mature" glamour model and London-based exotic dancer (or stripper on our side of the pond).

Saturday, November 25, 2006

We can be Heroes...

Currently enjoying NBC's Heroes, a series about people scattered around the world who realise they have superhuman powers - and that the future of mankind depends on their actions.

Friday, November 10, 2006

I'm back (continued)......

Hi again.
Apologies for being away for so long. But besides being flooded, I also had to contend with an illness in my family.
But I'll try and update this blog when I can.....

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Robert Downey Jr. is Iron Man....

Apparently Robert Downey Jr will be playing billionaire Tony Stark, aka superhero “Iron Man”.
I think that's an inspired choice, considering the histories of both the actor and comic character...
Iron Man role for actor Downey Jr

I'm back (for now).......

Apologies for being away for awhile, but my flat was recently flooded.
I'm currently staying elsewhere while the decorators are in, but obviously all this hassle will reduce my time on my blog (sorry).

Thursday, September 28, 2006

The LifeStraw

On the news tonight - something that gave me pause for thought...
A new straw that purifies water as it is drunk is hoped to be part of a solution to water-borne disease killing thousands in developing countries.
Water from most sources can be drunk if done so through the LifeStraw say the makers of the product. It's priced at around $3.50 (£1.85) a straw and each straw is expected to last for around 700 litres, around six months to a year.
Considering that more than one billion people – one sixth of the world’s population - are without access to safe water supply, this invention sounds incredible.
New straw to kill disease as you drink

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Steve Irwin - postscript...

Dead stingrays with their tails cut off are found in Australia, amid fears Steve Irwin fans may be avenging his death.
Somehow, I don't think this is how Steve should be remembered and it goes against everything he believed in...
Irwin fans 'in revenge attacks'

Respect due....

The bodies of 14 servicemen killed when an RAF Nimrod crashed in Afghanistan have arrived back at the aircraft's home base at Kinloss in Moray.
When it comes to our fighting forces, I have the upmost respect for those men who put their lives on the line for the rest of us.
My condolences to the families and friends of the fallen:

Flt Lt Steven Johnson
Flt Lt Leigh Anthony Mitchelmore
Flt Lt Gareth Rodney Nicholas
Flt Lt Allan James Squires
Flt Lt Steven Swarbrick
Flt Sgt Gary Wayne Andrews
Flt Sgt Stephen Beattie
Flt Sgt Gerard Martin Bell
Flt Sgt Adrian Davies
Sgt Benjamin James Knight
Sgt John Joseph Langton
Sgt Gary Paul Quilliam
Marine Joseph Windall
L Cpl Oliver Dicketts

Rest In Peace.
RAF bodies return home to Kinloss

Sunday, September 10, 2006

9/11 remembered....

Today will be the 5th anniversary of that awful event. Respect due to the fallen innocents on that grim day.

Dear George Lucas...

I watched "Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi" on TV yesterday - for the first time in ages.
I thought it was still as enjoyable as always (bar those darned Ewoks, who were still irritating) - that is, until I saw the ending.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.
In the original version of Return of the Jedi, Sebastian Shaw portrayed both the dying Anakin Skywalker (aka Darth Vader) and his ghost, who appears alongside the spirits of Yoda & Obi-Wan Kenobi at the end of the movie:

However, in the version shown on TV, Sebastian Shaw is replaced by Hayden Christensen, who plays Anakin in the prequel movies Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. After a spot of researching, I learned George Lucas tinkered with the ending, apparently to strengthen the relationship between the original trilogy and the prequel trilogy:

I know my response is wayyy too late, but George - whatever your reasons for modifying the ending, I wished you'd remembered the old maxim: if it ain't broke, don't fix it!
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)

Monday, September 4, 2006

Farewell, Steve Irwin.....

Australian environmentalist and television personality Steve Irwin was killed after being fatally pieced through the heart by a stingray's barb yesterday while diving.
It's a shame that a man famous for handling dangerous creatures such as crocodiles, spiders, black mambas and a komodo dragon, would perish from a freak accident (apparently attacks on humans are a rarity - only one other person is known to have died in Australia from a stingray attack at St Kilda, Melbourne in 1945).
RIP died doing what you loved best.
Obituary: Steve Irwin

Proof you can't buy class....

And the Ca$hley - William Gallas saga rumbles on....
Chelsea claim they sold William Gallas because he threatened to score an own goal if he was selected.
Gallas 'issued own-goal threat'

Compare and contrast with Arsène's dignified comments about Ca$hley's departure:

'Upon Ashley`s departure I would like to thank him on behalf of the team and everyone connected with the Club for his contribution to our success over recent years, Ashley has always played with his heart for Arsenal.'
'I remember giving him his debut nearly seven years ago and he grabbed the opportunity. He had a strong desire to succeed and ultimately it was that determination that sees him leave this Club. Ashley has grown up with Arsenal and given time, will hopefully appreciate what the Club has given him. I feel the future is bright for this team and look forward to seeing it challenge for honours.'

These statements demonstrate the difference between the two clubs. Personally, I hope Gallas just ignores this petty, childish smear attempt by Chelski (true or not) and gets on with playing football for Arsenal.

Saturday, September 2, 2006

Notting Hill Carnival 2006

Some pics from this year's Notting Hill Carnival (which took place on Sunday 27 August and Monday 28 August).....
500,000 party at London carnival

Ca$hley (continued)

Good riddance - AFC has removed someone who clearly din't want to be at Arsenal (Mr Cheryl Tweedy), got cash (£5 million) and a world class player who DOES want to be here in exchange (William Gallas).
Job done - now it's time to move on and put Ca$hley behind us........
Cole proves his worth by giving us the biggest yawn of the year

A new era (continued)?

England 5-0 Andorra
An easy win for England yesterday - but Andorra were worse than Greece, so England was never really stretched. The real test for Steve McClaren and the lads will come away to Russia, Croatia and Israel.
England 5-0 Andorra

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Supersize me!

Bob's BBQ Grill of Pattaya, Thailand has smashed the current record for the world's biggest hamburger with the Big Bob’s Texas Belt Buster. The world's biggest hamburger weighs a massive 78.5 pounds, takes 12 hours to make and is now available on the Bob's BBQ menu for 15500 Thai Baht (equivalent to £210 or US$400).
This milestone in cheeseburger history was created in celebration of the King of Thailand’s 60th year accession to the throne and was part of a wide range of events being held all year in Thailand to mark the occasion.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Group G: Arsenal, Porto, CSKA Moscow and Hamburg

Well, today's Champions League draw is far from the worst Arsenal could have had, but it won't be a breeze either. Porto are a competent side, CSKA are going to be tough, especially away, and Hamburg seems pretty decent too - qualifying from this group will be much harder than last year.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

New balls please?

"It is unfair for anyone to rub the ball on the ground for any reason, interfere with any of the seams or the surface of the ball, use any implement, or take any other action whatsoever which is likely to alter the condition of the ball."

Pakistan forfeited the fourth Test at the Oval against England by initially refusing to take the field after tea in response to being penalised for ball-tampering. It was the first time in 129 years that a Test had been conceded by forfeit.
The Pakistan skipper Inzamam-ul-Haq has been charged with bringing the game into disrepute and changing the condition of the ball. A hearing will take place on Friday.

This is bad for cricket...Umpire Darrell Hair has accused Pakistan of ball-tampering (aka cheating), using only his judgement. However the judgement of the umpires is FINAL.
Inzamam charged in cheating row

Monday, August 21, 2006

Guilty of "Travelling while Asian" (continued)...?

A family visiting from Dubai are stopped from boarding a capsule at the London Eye after one starts speaking Arabic.
The ordeal happened in June, but the family were prompted to contact the BBC after two Asian men were escorted off a plane last week because passengers were worried about "suspicious behaviour".
Sorry folks, but this is the mentality of the lynch mob.....
Dubai family turned away from Eye

The latest health hazard.....

Children's TV channel Boomerang are to edit scenes from Tom and Jerry cartoons where characters are shown smoking.
This follows an investigation by media watchdog Ofcom into a viewer's complaint that the vintage animations of the famous cartoon duo were inappropriate for younger viewers.
In one, "Texas Tom", Tom the cat tries to impress a feline female by rolling a cigarette, lighting it and smoking it with one hand. In the other, "Tennis Chumps", Tom's opponent in a match smokes a large cigar.

Relax, people - it's only a cartoon! Besides if you're disturbed that Tom and Jerry are such a corrupting influence, use the "OFF" switch....
Smoke's no joke for Tom and Jerry

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Guilty of "Travelling while Asian"...?

Reading this story, I thought of the lyrics to "Free Your Mind" by En Vogue:

"I can't change your mind, you can't change my color"

JITTERY airline passengers became alarmed about what they believed was "suspicious behaviour" of two men, apparently of Asian or Middle Eastern appearance, on a flight bound for Manchester, early on Wednesday. The pair were subsequently removed from the Airbus 320 at Malaga and questioned for several hours - they were later allowed to fly back to the UK later in the week.

Passenger profiling is one thing - this is bloody scary....
'Suspicious' pair taken off plane

Thursday, August 17, 2006

A new era (continued)?

Good result for England last night, defeating Greece 4-0.
But let's put things in perspective - Greece played poorly (especially in the first half) and they're not one of the better sides in Europe these days, let alone in the world.
So overall, while England's victory was enjoyable, suffice to say...."Don't Believe The Hype."
McClaren's dream debut
England 4-0 Greece

PS: Looking at the fuss about McClaren ending Beckham's England career, let's put everything into perspective. The match against Greece was only a friendly and teams like Croatia will prove sterner opposition in the future:

Andorra (H) - 2 September
Macedonia (A) - 6 September
Macedonia (H) - 7 October
Croatia (A) - 11 October

By then, if Becks proves good enough to be in Real Madrid's starting 11 on a regular basis, he could find himself back in the England set-up.
However, age is now against Goldenballs and while it would be wrong to lay the blame for England's World Cup malaise solely on Becks (heck, all the players barring Owen Hargreaves were below par), he is responsible for a significant percentage of those poor performances and this has been magnified by Sven's reluctance to play anyone else in his place (like Shaun Wright-Phillips and Aaron Lennon).
McClaren is building an England team for the future (at least, he should be). I think he made the right decision.

Monday, August 14, 2006

The Road To Hell (continued)...

As a UN-brokered ceasefire comes into force between Israeli and Hezbollah fighters in Lebanon (effective 6am BST), both sides claimed "victory" in the conflict.
Meanwhile the Lebanese government estimates the conflict has done $2.5bn of damage in the country; the Israeli government puts its figure at $1.1bn.
Finally the Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert said his government would work "with all the means at our disposal" to secure the release of the two soldiers whose capture by Hezbollah sparked the conflict on 12 July this year.

Lebanon deaths:
About 1,000 - mostly civilians
No precise data on Hezbollah dead
Israeli deaths:
Soldiers: 114 (IDF)
Civilians: 43 (IDF)
Lebanon displaced:
700,000 - 900,000 (UNHCR; Lebanese govt)
Israeli displaced:
500,000 (Human Rights Watch)
Calm as Mid-East ceasefire begins

Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Ca$hley (continued).....

So Chelski have broken off negotiations with Arsenal on Ca$hley?
Now we'll see who else will want him for the money he's after.....still I'd be happy to see the back of Ca$hley asap (or stick him in the reserves - and leave him there).
Chelsea break off from Cole talks

PS: Well done to the lads - but to be honest that 3-0 scoreline was helped by the Dinamo Zagreb goalie, who was a bit poor on the night.
Dinamo Zagreb 0-3 Arsenal

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

They're gonna taste grrreeaat!

For all those in the UK who (like me) are heartily sick to death of that irritating kid in that cereal advert (you know the one - "They're gonna taste grrreeaat!")

Monday, August 7, 2006


Re: Ca$hley Cole - if he wants to leave Arsenal, then so be it - let's take Chelski's roubles and say bye-bye to him....sooner he leaves the better.
Wenger wants quick Cole decision

Tuesday, August 1, 2006

V for Vendetta

Saw "V for Vendetta" on DVD this week. It's not a bad movie, but I thought the original eighties black and white comic by Alan Moore was more bleak and uncompromising. David Lloyd's artwork for the comic was particularly stark - to me back then, it was the antithesis of comic artists like John Bryne and George Perez. Don't get me wrong - I loved the artwork of Bryne & Perez. But Lloyd's was very different at the time, and suited the comic perfectly.
Both the comic & the movie finger-points at the apathy of the voting public - we get the government we deserve....
V for Vendetta: Comic vs. Film

A new era? Or another false dawn for English football?

"It's very exciting, I can't wait to actually get started. It will be a great challenge and a great adventure."

Thus spoke Steve McClaren, as he arrived today for the start of his new job as England's new head coach, promising a "totally different" approach to that of his much-criticised predecessor Sven-Goran Eriksson.

A different approach is definitely what's needed. I just hope McClaren has the guts to make big decisions and drop big name players who underperformed during England's poor World Cup experience.
But beyond the England team, we should be asking questions like:
Do we have a lack of coaching talent? Where are the home-grown coaches with the talent to rival Wenger and Mourinho?
What is more important to us - a strong England team or a strong Premiership?
Good luck anyway, Steve...
McClaren ready for England task

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Introducing Freema Agyeman...

Farewell Billie Piper...hello, Freema Agyeman who takes over as Doctor Who's ccompanion. She will be playing a brand new character, Martha Jones, in the next series.

The Road To Hell (continued)...

Israel continues its bombardment of Lebanon and Hezbollah continues to fire their rockets into Israel.

There is at least US$3 billion in infrastructure damage and loss of work in Lebanon. Banque du Liban, the Lebanese central bank, has been forced to draw on its foreign reserves because of the crisis, selling part of its US$12.75 billion assets. The Beirut Stock Exchange (BSE) has thus far declined 11%. Thousands of tourists who visit Lebanon in the summer and contribute over US$4 billion to the economy have fled, according to a senior analyst at a leading Lebanese bank. Looking beyond the economy, ordinary Lebanese civilians have been the main victims of the current crisis in terms of deaths and injuries. Thousands have become internal refugees, seeking safety in areas that are not being bombed by Israel.

"War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children."
Jimmy Carter (1924 - )