Saturday, January 13, 2007

Martin Luther King Day....

Monday 15th January will be Martin Luther King Day in the US.

In honour of that day, here is a timely reminder of how African-Americans has contributed to the United States:

Charles Leroy Thomas (1920-1980)
World War II Congressional Medal of Honor recipient.

Served as a First Lieutenant in Company C, 614th Tank Destroyer Battalion, 103rd Infantry Division. On December 14, 1944, near Climbach, France, while in the lead vehicle of a task force organized to storm and capture the village his scout car was knocked out by enemy fire and he was wounded. He helped his crew out of the vehicle, but as he left was again wounded in the chest, legs and left arm.

Despite his wounds, he directed the dispersal and emplacement of two antitank guns, which then returned fire. He briefed one of his platoon leaders, on the situation, and only when he was sure the situation was under control did he allow himself to be evacuated.

At the White House on January 13, 1997, President Clinton awarded him and six other soldiers the first Medals of Honor ever bestowed on African American who served in World War II.
Charles L. Thomas
Charles Leroy Thomas

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