Sunday, January 6, 2008

And the next US Prez is...

Well, the race to the White House has begun.

The state of Iowa was the setting last week for the first nominating contest of the 2008 US presidential campaign. Former baptist minister Mike Huckabee was the winner for the Republican caucus. But attention focused on Illinois senator Barack Obama, who was triumphant for the Democrats after a three-way tussle with fellow senators Hillary Clinton and John Edwards. Sen Clinton, eventually finished an unexpected third.

Now a poll in the state of New Hampshire suggest Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are neck-and-neck, with Sen Clinton on 31% and Sen Obama 30%. Sen Edwards, the Democratic runner-up in Iowa, is placed third with 20%. Another poll showed Sen Obama ahead with 33% support to Sen Clinton's 31%.

With the New Hampshire contest two days away, Hillary must be wondering about her apparent change of fortune. Last year, most opinion polls put Sen Clinton so far ahead in the race to be the Democrat party's candidate in November's presidential election, that it was almost taken for granted she'd be victorious.
But that was before Iowa. Barack Obama appears to be bringing a powerful message of change and it seems Americans are listening to this man bidding to become the first Afro-American President of the USA.
Democratic rivals 'neck and neck'
Q&A: US presidential election

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