Sunday, October 12, 2008

Barack Obama

When one considers that forty years has passed since the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., the ascendancy of Barack Obama should be seen as significant progress. He is the first non-Caucasian to become the presidential candidate of either major US party and if he goes on to beat John McCain in November's general election, he will be the nation's first non-Caucasian president.

But for some people, that prospect of a "President Obama" appears to be an anathema:

Heck, why stop there? Why not design a t-shirt with George Wallace's proclamation "Segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever"

But really worries me is that with Obama recently being smeared as a "terrorist", all it takes is one lunatic who believes the negative campaigning and decides that he/she must "save" America from Barack Hussein Obama. Already there has been reports that at a recent Republican rally, someone in the crowd yelled out "Kill him!"

To quote from Democratic Congressman John Lewis, "Senator McCain and Governor Palin are playing with fire".
Palin makes Obama terrorist claim
McCain in 'hatred' war of words

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