Thursday, October 30, 2008

Russell Brand, Wossy & Manuel's granddaughter...

So, following the lewd phone calls made to actor Andrew Sachs during Russell Brand's Radio 2 programme, the presenter has announced his intention to quit his Saturday evening show. Meanwhile his co-presenter Jonathan Ross has been suspended for 12 weeks without pay and Radio 2’s controller Lesley Douglas has resigned.
BBC Director general Mark Thompson called Ross's actions "utterly unacceptable", adding that "it cannot be allowed to go uncensured or without sanction". Earlier, Mr Thompson met with the BBC Trust to discuss the crisis. The Trust says there will be an on-air apology for calls and has called for editorial controls in the corporation to be tightened.
Some 30,500 complaints had been received by the corporation by Thursday morning.
Timeline: Russell Brand prank calls

OK - the "jolly jape" by Brand & Ross has backfired with a vengance, and both have paid for their idiotic stunt. But this was a pre-recorded show which should have been given proper supervision prior to airing, so those responsible at the BBC should also accept blame for this debacle.

However while I understand Andrew Sachs and his 23-year-old granddaughter Georgina Baillie (who was the subject of these "prank" calls) would be angry about what happened, considering Ms Baillie has now done the inevitable "kiss and tell" story to the media about her night with Russell Brand, my sympathies towards her are somewhat tempered. I won't be surprised if she turns up on a "celebrity reality" show sometime in the future (dollar dollar dollar dollar dollar bill y'all, to coin a phrase)...

But doesn't anyone think this story has all been blown out of all proportion? There were only 2 real complaints at the time.

The numerous calls (by people who had probably never even heard what was actually broadcast) only started rolling in once the newspapers picked up on the story. And as for the holier-than-thou attitude from the press & politicians...excuse me while I throw up (and by the way Prime Minister, I think the current global financial crisis is more worthy of your attention).....

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