Friday, November 14, 2008

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?

More than 2,500 people waited outside a store in central London this week for a special midnight launch of the popular fantasy role-playing online game the World of Warcraft.
According to the BBC, World of Warcraft makes more money than the biggest Hollywood blockbusters every single month, has 11 million players and controls two thirds of the online gaming market. However critics say the game is addictive and that teenagers who play are spending too much time living in a virtual world.
Hordes greet Warcraft expansion

Lord knows what those critics would make of Newquay couple Amy Taylor and David Pollard, who met in an online chatroom in 2003, got married and shared their interest in Second Life, a virtual world in which users create avatars to interact with each other. Unfortunately a virtual affair has ended their real-life marriage. Ms Taylor filed for divorce (due to be finalised next week) when she discovered her husband's alter-ego "Dave Barmy", was two-timing her in cyberspace with "Modesty McDonnell" - the alias of American Linda Brinkley.
Ms Taylor now has a new man in her life, whom she met while playing World Of Warcraft. Meanwhile Pollard has married "Modesty" in Second Life, and is engaged to Ms Brinkley in real life - even though they have never met....
How do avatars have sex?

David Pollard is a chubby, balding, unemployed 40-year-old. But in Second Life he is "Dave Barmy", a superfit young hunk who lives in a luxury villa, and sports a sharp grey suit and sunglasses. One can see the attraction of virtual reality (no need to exercise)....

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