Saturday, December 27, 2008

Xmas movies...

Enjoying the movies over the Xmas period...some more than others.

Transformers - too much CGI and explosions, not enough plot...

The Golden Compass - OK in parts, but mostly too complicated for its own good and too much CGI...

Enchanted - nice flick, but too sugary when compared to Stardust (which is a superior fantasy movie in my opinion)...

Babylon 5: The Lost Tales - No atmosphere, and overall not a great addition to the B5 mythology...

The Bourne Ultimatum - never got into the other "Jason Bourne" movies, but this is superb! the paranoia is almost palpable and you're left with the unsettling feeling that there are no goodies or baddies - just various shades of grey...

Clerks 2 - loved the argument over LOTR vs Star Wars trilogies - and Rosario Dawson can teach me to dance any day...

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