Monday, November 23, 2009


Saw the movie over the weekend. My rating:

  • 8 out of 10 for the CGI

  • 3 out of 10 for the plot

  • overall, 5.5 out of 10 for the movie
*** Warning! This comment may contain spoilers ***

Yep, leave those brain cells at home and be amazed by the special effects, as Roland Emmerich goes for the mother and father of all apocalypses in one movie!
Forget Earthquake, The Poseidon Adventure and Volcano - now you can watch all these disasters in 2012 instead!
It's predictable tosh, but what did you expect from the man who gave us Independence Day & The Day After Tomorrow? Treat 2012 for what it is - a guilty pleasure to pass the time away.
The film fails with its characters - too cliche, spouting cliches. And even in a movie like this, I couldn't believe how many last-minute escapes our heroic cast (John Cusack, Amanda Peet) were able to pull off. Also don't look to this movie for any in-depth examination of the Mayan calendar.
Finally in case you're wondering, the London Olympics gets cancelled (it IS the end of the world, after all). Thanks, Mr. Emmerich - that's our £10 billion gone up in smoke...literally!
2012 (Internet Movie Database)

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