Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Buffyverse on Sci-Fi channel...

In an older post, I complained about how the Sci-Fi channel censored episodes of "Angel" before the so-called watershed.
Well one can now watch the unexpurgated episodes after midnight, which is a step in the right direction, but it sucks having to wait until approx 1am in the morning.
It's also nice to see "Buffy" now showing on the same channel.
Shows on Sci-Fi UK

However, while I like Buffy, the series always felt like a soap-opera-with-vampires (and other assorted ghoulies). To me, Angel had the superior storylines (and deserved a better fate than cancellation).
My fave moments on Angel?

  1. Angel is transformed into a puppet ("Smile Time")
  2. Wesley shooting a Wolfram & Hart employee, who complains that too much company time is spent trying to save Fred's life ("A Hole in the World")
  3. Lorne: "So it's an evil limo. I get that, but does that mean we don't restock the cherries?" ("Home")
  4. Angel smothers Wes with a pillow, shouting "You're a dead man, Pryce. YOU HEAR ME?!?! DEAD!" ("Forgiving")
  5. The newly-enhanced Gunn walks into the court room, getting a mistrial declared ("Conviction")

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