Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Wine of the Week: Frogs Leap

2008 Cabernet Sauvignon
Napa Valley
THE BLEND 85% Cabernet sauvignon 8% Cabernet franc 7% Merlot
PRODUCTION 12,670 cases
RELEASE DATE December 2010
RETAIL PRICE $42.00 Club Price $35.90 (Quantity discount available)
STATS harvest ~ September 2 - October 2. 24.6° brix at harvest. 13.7% alcohol.
 3.43 pH. 6.5g/L total acidity.


Starting a winery in the Napa Valley meant that Frog's Leap would almost have to make a Cabernet Sauvignon at some point. It took us only one year to realize this very simple truth - Napa is perfectly suited to grow great Cabernet. The rocky, fast draining soils of the Rutherford Bench, the misty, late morning fog rolling in from the San Pablo Bay and that ever-present California sun.

But what kind of Cabernet to make? There were the closed, tight fisted, cough-and-hack Cabs of the late 70's or the now popular pick-late, sweet fruit, high alcohol wines of the early 21st century. Instead of chasing fads we simply learned from the past, favoring the lessons passed on by generations of Bordeaux winemakers and carried forward by Tchelistcheff, Daniel and de Latour. Our attempt is not to emulate anyone, but rather to avoid sacrificing the balance between Cabernet's ripe fruit character and its lean herbaceous side at the alter of over-extraction and manipulation.

For 20 years now we have stuck by our principals and the resulting style of wine. A Cabernet Sauvignon that is beautifully balanced and drinkable when young, just as it is beautifully balanced and drinkable when old. We believe, and hopefully you will see, that wines that are built to impress rather than satisfy typically do neither.


The classic Rutherford characters of earth and dust are present in this 2008 Frogs’ Leap Cabernet Sauvignon. Aromas of cassis and currant combine with a mineral tone and a touch of warm spices. Across the palate rich black cherry flavors are enhanced with notes of pomegranate, spice, cedar and green olive. Elegant and soft, this wine’s plush texture is balanced by firm yet yielding tannins and a bright acidity.


John Williams and Paula Moschetti

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