Sunday, August 14, 2011

Sunday Rant: Responsibility

I had enough with Dead beat dads, Repeat law offenders, and people that just don't want to contribute to society! Grow up! If you have kids whether or not you wanted them you better provide for them. They didn't ask to be there with your non job having POS!
If you do drugs or around the crowd that is in to that type of thing you better prepare your self for a chance to go to jail. They are illegal... Also if you do go to jail because the police found them ON you don't bitch and say it's not fair... BULLSHIT Grow Up!
I went to New Orleans this weekend and had a great time never thinking I needed to carry a gun. Nothing against you carrying one (legally) but we where drinking in and out of the bars and not once thought I needed a gun. Great job NOPD! There job is not easy so give them a break.

Last word goes to the Enablers; the Mom, Grandmother, the brother or sister who help these people. STOP! You are not helping them you are only creating a safety net for them to fall in. If you keep helping them the correction system will take over at one point trust me.

Grow Up get a job and be Responsible!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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