Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Road To Hell (continued)...

According to a recent ICM opinion poll, 40% of British Muslims want sharia law introduced into "predominantly Muslim" areas of Britain (Sharia law is "the path that must be followed by a Muslim").
Also 20% said they felt sympathy for the 7/7 London suicide bombers' motives, while another 75% said they did not. Just 1% backed the atrocity.
However, while British Muslims come over as alienated from mainstream society, 91% said they feel "loyal" to Britain

Poll reveals 40pc of Muslims want sharia law in UK

If I lived in a "predominantly Muslim" area of Britain, I would be VERY upset to find my rights as a British citizen subject to Sharia law. Sir Trevor Phillips, the chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) suggested that Muslims who wanted a system of Islamic Sharia law should leave the UK and I have to agree.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Whatever next?

Something for Dick Cheney's Xmas stocking, I think...

22-caliber Cell Phone Gun

The guns, which are capable of firing four rounds in quick succession, are believed to have been manufactured somewhere in the Balkans (possibly Croatia), and first showed up in Europe in late 2000. Some of these cell-phone guns have since been seized in drug raids in the Netherlands, England and Germany.
The US Department of Homeland Security and the FBI are aware of this invention and have instructed baggage screeners to be on the lookout for suspicious mobile phones. Obviously since 9/11, the US authorities are taking this device seriously. Meanwhile airport authorities across Europe are also implementing systems to X-ray all cell phones.

Say It Ain't So, Linsey (continued)....

Allegedly this is a pic of Linsey post-breast reduction surgery (ok guys, stop crying out there, it's getting ridiculous!)

Friday, February 24, 2006

Spider-Man 3

Watch out, world - Peter Parker will be donning the black symbiote suit in Spider-Man 3 (if you've been following comics since Marvel's "Secret Wars" mini-series, you'll know all about the black suit anyway).

Check the full info on the following link:

Say It Ain't So, Linsey!

All fans of Linsey Dawn McKenzie, please do not read this post any further.....

Apparently the lass has had her legendary breasts reduced (that's right, reduced) from an awesome 38HHH to 32DD in a secret operation, according to the following link:

Linsey's breast reduction

If the story is true then the goddess-like body of Linsey Dawn McKenzie is now sadly, a part of history. Seriously though, all the best to her. She's now a married mum, so I guess she needed to reappraise what's important to her.
Still, judging by the comments on the Internet, there's a lot of guys out there who are heartbroken.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Murder Of The Gatwick Express....

The government has announced that the non-stop express rail link between London Victoria and Gatwick Airport is to be axed. The service runs on the London-Brighton line, and the move is designed to reduce overcrowding of services on the route. The Department for Transport said "fast and frequent" services would remain (currently the usual journey time on the Gatwick Express is 30 minutes, non-stop, and trains depart every 15 minutes) but would now serve additional stations. In a statement, transport minister Derek Twigg also stated there would still be "a high-quality service" for airline travellers.
Criticisms of the move came from UK airports operator BAA which said air passengers and commuters would have to "tussle" for space and the Board of Airline Representatives in the UK which said air passenger numbers were growing.

Gatwick Express train to be axed

Well I'm sorry Mr. Twigg, but I agree with BAA. Travelling on UK overhead rail these days is like being squeezed in a bloody sardine can. I 'm dreading what future travel on the Gatwick Express will be like. Would it be too much to build a dedicated rail link to preserve non-stop travel? Surely Gatwick - the busiest single runway airport in the world, the second largest airport in the UK and the seventh busiest international airport in the world - deserves that....

Mystic River

Currently watching "Mystic River"
It is bleak and humorless, a dark example that what goes around comes back around. Yet it is also a CLASSIC movie. period.

Mystic River (2003)

So, what would you do with $365m (update)

Recently I posted a story about an unknown lottery player in the US who won a $365m (£210m) jackpot.

Turns out it was eight lottery players who shared the jackpot. Seven men and a woman, who work at a meat plant in Nebraska, will each pick up $15.5m (£8.9m) after taxes, as they chose to take the money in a lump sum.

DETAILS: Eight share $365m US lottery win


Time for a Foamy cartoon....

Foamy - The Jiggly Butt

The Thin Club

Disturbing TV program I saw this morning about 'pro-anorexics' - women deliberately looking to starve themselves, who link up via the Internet with others who share their desire for being thin.
What disturbed me was that these women believed being anorexic was a basic human right. I disagree - it's not a "human right" to starve oneself possibly to death, it's a compulsion.

Learning - The Thin Club

In Britain at least 1.1 million people are diagnosed as anorexic. This figure is rising.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Half-way there.....

I didn't want to make this entry - tempting fate and all that stuff........

But credit due to the Arsenal for being the first British team to win at the Estadio Santiago Bernabéu. They thoroughly deserved their away victory over Real Madrid.

I'm proud of the entire team, but I haven't forgotten that they are only half-way there.

They'll still need to finish the job at Highbury, so best of luck for the next leg guys (hopefully Thierry Henry will have more goals in store for Real)!!

Real Madrid 0-1 Arsenal

Bird flu: criticism of official preparations

Soil Association director Patrick Holden accused the government of "a dereliction of duty" after it emerged it had no stocks of the bird flu vaccine and none on order to use on poultry flocks in the event of an outbreak.

Government ministers said this week that they do not favour vaccination as a method of dealing with bird flu and have argued it was costly and labour intensive. However Mr Holden said every available method must be used to fight the virus.

DETAILS: Bird flu preparations criticised

I agree with Mr. Holden: regardless of their objections, this government should have every weapon in its arsenal to fight bird flu.

I pity the fool

The following was originally published in "The Onion" January 1986 (but it still makes me laugh):

Mr. T Releases 'Pity List '86'

LOS ANGELES--At a packed press conference at the Four Seasons Hotel Sunday, actor and former bodyguard Mr. T released his official 1986 Pity List.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the press," Mr. T said, "I pity a great many fools this year."

Pausing to don his reading glasses, the hot-tempered star of Rocky III and The A-Team then began slowly, methodically reciting the list.

"I pity the following fools: James B. Anderson, Clarence W. Azim, Priscilla F. Brechler, Gilberto P. Costa, Maxwell H. Dobbs, Susan R. Jaworski, Terrence S. Lapham, Cindy A. Maitner, Martin L. Reyes, Amanda G. Schuelke, Frank C. Weigel, and Yin Wai-Tong."

He continued, "If you are among the aforementioned people, I pity you deeply, for you are in for a world-class whupping courtesy of Mr. T."

Mr. T then read from an additional list of pitied fools, presented in descending order of degree of pity deserved. Among the more notable fools on the list: the ship-hijacking fools who seized the Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro last October, the waiter who spilled coffee on him at a Long Beach restaurant last week, and anyone who does not watch Mr. T's new detective drama T. and T. which premieres this fall in syndication.

Another 49 fools from previous years were also singled out for "lifetime pity" designation, including those who ridiculed his 35 pounds of gold chains, made fun of his mohawk-style haircut or panned his performance in the feature film D.C. Cab.

President Reagan joined Mr. T in pitying the listed fools, issuing a statement which read, "My heart goes out to those fools on the list, as I believe that any attempt by these individuals to go into hiding or seek protection from any law-enforcement agency will be futile against Mr. T's inevitable onslaught of pain."

Mr. T concluded the press conference by repeatedly smashing the podium until it was reduced to splinters.

(classic stuff!)

Amsterdam's red light district "open day"

Heard on the TV news this morning:

Amsterdam's famed red light district held its first ever "open day" last Saturday as several topless bars, peep shows and sex show clubs gave crowds of wide-eyed visitors free entry in order to improve the area's reputation. Local politicians are calling for a crackdown after recent reports of petty crime, gang violence, forced prostitution and human trafficking caused a public outcry.
Hundreds of tourists and locals seized the opportunity to see a prostitute's bedroom, watch a brief live peep-show or chat to a lap dancer.

Red light district "open day" draws curious Dutch

Monday, February 20, 2006

Back to Cardiff again....

No suprise at the following news...........
Stadium builder Multiplex announced this year's FA Cup final has been moved to Cardiff, since they couldn't guarantee to the FA that the new Wembley Stadium would be finished in time for the 13th May.
The original stadium completion date was autumn 2005, with the deadline first extended to the end of January and then the end of March. Multiplex will be penalised £1m a week for over-running the deadline (ouch!)

Wembley dropped for FA Cup final

David Irving

Disgraced British historian David Irving has been found guilty in Vienna and sentenced to three years in prison for denying the Holocaust of European Jewry (which occurred during WW2).

That Irving is a racist, an anti-Semite and now a Holocaust denier, there can be no doubt. However it seems hypocritical that while we in Europe shout "freedom of speech" to the Muslim world in defence of the cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, Irving goes to prison for exercising that same freedom of speech, albeit for peddling irresponsible nonsense. Worse, his views will appear more attractive, and gain a wider audience.

I don't blame countries like Austria for instigating laws against Holocaust denial. Those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them. But jailing Irving may have a counter-productive effect.

The Lingerie Football League?

Things that make you go "Hmmm" (or "WTF" depending on your point of view).
Is it too late to replace the NFL Europe League with the Lingerie Football League?

LINGERIE BOWL III - Home of the Lingerie Football League (LFL)

Andrew Murray gets first tennis title

Congrats in order for Scots teenager Andrew Murray, who defeated Australian third seed Lleyton Hewitt 2-6, 6-1, 7-6 (7-3) at the SAP Open tennis tournament in San Jose, California yesterday. This is his first title on the men's tennis tour; hopefully it won't be his last.
I also hope that the media hype in this country won't go into overdrive on this result. Murray has already commented that UK media pressure was having a detrimental effect on him.

Magic Murray claims maiden title

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Mr. T shows pity

I read that Mr. T announced last year he would never wear his chains again. He apparently came to this decision after seeing the terrible damage & suffering caused by Hurricane Katrina.
Mr. T (now a born again Christian) also donated a great deal of clothing and money to the victims of Katrina. Well done. sir - a man who believes in deeds not words.
And if Mr. T can renounce his jewelry, there's hope for the other "bling-bling" fanatics out there....

Mr. T biography

So, what would you do with $365m?

A lottery player in the US state of Nebraska has scooped $365m (£210m), the largest jackpot in the game's history.
Lottery operators in the US confirmed that just one winning ticket (sold in Lincoln, Nebraska) was sold for Saturday's draw, but said the winner had not yet come forward.
When the winner does come forward, he or she will either be able to claim the money over 30 years, or take a single payment of $177m. Check the following link for more info:

Hunt for $365m US lottery winner

I know money doesn't buy you happiness, but $365m is a step in the right direction.........

An idea for Spider-Man 4

I know they already have the villains sorted out for the next Spidey-flick, but if the movie execs decide to make Spider-Man 4, I have a cunning plan for the bad guy. Surely MJ could be hired to play Michael Morbius, the living vampire. Very little make-up will be needed, and he'd be a natural to portray the tortured soul of a man-turned-monster....

Alan Smith's injury

While I was pleased that Liverpool won yesterday against Man U in their FA Cup fifth round match yesterday (another season with no major trophies for Fergie, haha), my sympathies go out to Alan Smith for breaking his left leg and dislocating an ankle. No one deserves to suffer such a terrible injury.
I sincerely hope that Alan makes a swift recovery.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Dick Cheney game

I'm not going to discuss recent events involving Dick Cheney's shooting skills - heck, I don't see any problem.
VP goes hunting; VP accidentally shoots his partner; VP keeps schtum about the shooting for 3 or 4 days before admitting he was to blame on a cable news channel sympathetic to the Bush administration; partner apologizes for the inconvenience of getting shot by VP (and suffering a minor heart attack as a result). Simple really.
Instead I'd like to focus on a game based on the Vice-President's ill-fated hunting trip:

Dick Cheney quail hunt game

Very clever! Although I can't see Dick endorsing this game....

Star Trek: The Next Generation: "Parallels"

This is one of my favorite "Next Generation" episodes (which I'm watching on TV now).

The episode works by being unpredictable - the viewer is kept off guard with Lt. Worf as he is transported from one parallel reality to another, until the cause is discovered and explained (obviously this works if one has not watched the "Next Generation" series several times).

The twists on established historical events in the Trek universe (or should that be MULTIverse?) are also welcome. For example, following a different outcome of "The Best of Both Worlds", Riker is captain of the Enterprise. Also welcome was seeing the spark of romance between Lt. Worf and Counselor Troi blossom (too bad this wasn't developed further). My only quibble was seeing a reality where Wesley Crusher was a member of the crew (YUK!)

6th June 2006

As if war, disease, famine and suffering wasn't enough, we now have the 6th June to worry about.
And the problem with the above date? Numerically 6th June 2006 translates as 06/06/06. Or 666 - which according to the Bible, is the sign of the "Beast" (aka the Antichrist, as any fan of "The Omen" films will tell you):

"Here is wisdom. He who has understanding, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is six hundred sixty-six."
Book of Revelations (Chapter 13)

Apparently, a remake of "The Omen" and another movie titled "The Beast" (about the discovery that Jesus Christ did not exist) are scheduled to be released on the sixth of June (those Hollywood guys don't miss a trick, do they?)
The 6th June 2006 is also proving popular as a Wedding date in Holland, according to the following report:

Rush for 6/6/6 weddings

Now I don't consider myself a superstitious person, but I think I'll stay indoors on 06/06/06(just in case)......

Bird Flu

It now appears likely that the dead wild duck, found near Lyon in south-east France, "probably" had the H5N1 "bird flu" strain, which has killed dozens of people in Asia. Reports are also coming in of bird flu cases in India and Iran.
Bird flu is spreading inexorably across the globe - now it's on our doorstep and we are advised to report any sightings of dead birds.
Living near Regents Park, which is a home for a collection of waterfowl and other birds, I'm already filled with apprehension. Officials state that the UK is prepared for the worst, but I also recall the official response to the BSE and Foot & Mouth outbreaks. Already some experts are claiming that British officials are not doing enough to stop bird flu from coming into the country.
Unfortunately it appears it's now a question of when, not if.....

Q&A: Bird flu

Friday, February 17, 2006

The Road To Hell

According to BBC News, at least 10 people are reported to have been killed and several injured in Libya in clashes during the latest protests over the Muhammad cartoons outside an Italian consulate. The protesters were said to be angry at Italian minister Roberto Calderoli, who had worn a T-shirt showing the cartoons.

  • A minister in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, Haji Yaqub, announces an $11m (Ă‚£6.3m) reward for anyone who beheads the cartoonist who drew the images.
  • Peshawar cleric Maulana Yousaf Qureshi offers 7.5m rupees ($125,000) and a car to anyone who kills the cartoonist.
  • Thousands of Muslims are also expected to protest in London over the cartoons today.
As I see it, the cartoons have widened the rift between Islam and the West, which the fundamentalists are successfully exploiting. Both cultures have differences, which may prove to be ultimately irreconcilable unless considerable tolerance and understanding are shown by each side. Roberto Calderoli, apparently is a member of Italy's anti-immigrant Northern League party, and he appears to be a rather odious fellow - he recently called Muslim immigrants in Italy "Ali Babas" and accused them of stealing houses and jobs from native Italians.
But his actions regarding the cartoons are totally irresponsible, and endangers Italians living in the Middle East (note: since the posting of this entry, Calderoli has resigned from the Italian government).

Now I don't believe that every Muslim seeks the destruction of western society because of the publication of these cartoons. These Muslims have the right to peacefully show their distaste for the images. At the same time, they should also denounce the extremist elements in their midst, who taint their religion with banners glorifying each bombing, kidnap, destruction and atrocity.

These extremists are successfully (in my opinion) painting Islam as an intolerant religion dedicated to the destruction of our civilization and they strengthen support for far-right elements (like the British National Party and the aforementioned Italian Northern League).
The average Muslim need to recognize this. Jihad Momani, the newspaper editor who published cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad in Jordan, also wrote the following comment (before he was fired and arrested):

"Muslims of the world be reasonable. What brings more prejudice against Islam, these caricatures or pictures of a hostage-taker slashing the throat of his victim in front of the cameras or a suicide bomber who blows himself up during a wedding ceremony in Amman?"

Amidst all the breast-beating about insulting the Prophet Muhammad & defending our freedom of speech, both sides (Muslims & the West) appear to be overlooking each other's traditions and values.

"Brokeback" spoofs

The success of BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN has generated a number of funny poster takeoffs ("Kickback Mountain") and cleverly edited parodies. For example:

Brokeback Dumb & Dumber

I'm suprised no-one has thought of a "Shawshank Mountain" spoof yet.....

The next England manager

Former Celtic boss Martin O'Neill tops a BBC poll about who should become England's next manager:

Martin O'Neill 18%
Stuart Pearce 16%
Sam Allardyce 13%
Steve McClaren 4%
Alan Curbishley 4%
Luiz Felipe Scolari 3%
Guus Hiddink 3%
None of the above 9%
Don't know 30%

O'Neill tops England manager poll

Regardless who the next manager is, best of British, mate - you'll need it! For all of Sven-Goran Eriksson's faults, he had to face headlines that was at times, borderline xenophobic. Former England managers Bobby Robson & Graham Taylor also had to endure intense media pressure.

Considering the nature of our "wonderful" (tabloid) press, who'd want to be England manager?

Thursday, February 16, 2006

In place of strife...

Ok - no talk of bad news. Lets concentrate on something much happier instead....

Rita G became a nationwide phenomenon in the US after her appearance on the Howard Stern E! Television show in late 2003, where she proudly declared that she had the “best natural breasts” in the world, and promptly unveiled them:

Rita on Howard Stern show

Ancient Japanese proverb....

The disco elevator

This always brings a smile to my face:

Uploaded by waxlthegreat. - Sitcom, sketch, and standup comedy videos.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

New Lara Croft

My thanks to the FO Bulletin Board for the following story:

I didn't think it was possible to replace Angelina Jolie, but model Karima Adebibe comes damn close. She's been selected from thousands of hopefuls in an international search to fill the shoes of Ms. Jolie.

Karima will apparently undergo training for the role followed by a host of international modelling assignments, starring in TV commercials, appearing on chat shows and travelling the globe for the next two years.

I especially liked the fact that 20 year old Karima is an unknown from good ol' Bethnal Green in London's East End, who works as a sales assistant in Top Shop - way to go, Karima!!

More pictures:
new Lara Croft

I was feeling bored...

...so I decided to watch "The Day After Tomorrow" (yeah, I know - big mistake).
Anyway I also designed a "trademark" Signature Banner to cover for my omission of a photograph....I'm no Michelangelo, but I hope it's ok.
By the way (in case you're a hermit who has been living in a cave for the last decade or so), the lady in question is none other than R&B superstar Beyoncé Giselle Knowles, a favourite songstress of mine (I'll post my list of favourite & hated celebs, actresses, etc. soon enough).

Howdy y'all!!

Welcome to From Alpha to OM3GA - I've not much to say at present, except it feels great having this up and running!

I thought I'd start this blog to keep me occupied between my job-hunting. It was either this or watching daytime TV (shudders)!

Ok - a little something about this journal: it will have adult content. So don't say you wasn't warned!

Apart from the above - Thanks for stopping by!!