Saturday, February 18, 2006

6th June 2006

As if war, disease, famine and suffering wasn't enough, we now have the 6th June to worry about.
And the problem with the above date? Numerically 6th June 2006 translates as 06/06/06. Or 666 - which according to the Bible, is the sign of the "Beast" (aka the Antichrist, as any fan of "The Omen" films will tell you):

"Here is wisdom. He who has understanding, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. His number is six hundred sixty-six."
Book of Revelations (Chapter 13)

Apparently, a remake of "The Omen" and another movie titled "The Beast" (about the discovery that Jesus Christ did not exist) are scheduled to be released on the sixth of June (those Hollywood guys don't miss a trick, do they?)
The 6th June 2006 is also proving popular as a Wedding date in Holland, according to the following report:

Rush for 6/6/6 weddings

Now I don't consider myself a superstitious person, but I think I'll stay indoors on 06/06/06(just in case)......

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