Saturday, February 18, 2006

Star Trek: The Next Generation: "Parallels"

This is one of my favorite "Next Generation" episodes (which I'm watching on TV now).

The episode works by being unpredictable - the viewer is kept off guard with Lt. Worf as he is transported from one parallel reality to another, until the cause is discovered and explained (obviously this works if one has not watched the "Next Generation" series several times).

The twists on established historical events in the Trek universe (or should that be MULTIverse?) are also welcome. For example, following a different outcome of "The Best of Both Worlds", Riker is captain of the Enterprise. Also welcome was seeing the spark of romance between Lt. Worf and Counselor Troi blossom (too bad this wasn't developed further). My only quibble was seeing a reality where Wesley Crusher was a member of the crew (YUK!)

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