Monday, March 20, 2006

Cash for peerages (continued)

The Labour party has now released the names of the wealthy businessmen who secretly lent them a total of nearly £14m. Labour continues to deny sleaze allegations following revelations that some of the lenders were later recommended for peerages.
New laws are now planned to ban secret loans to parties in future. Both Conservative & LibDem parties support these changes.

Rod Aldridge - £1m
Richard Caring - £2m
Gordon Crawford - £500,000
Prof Sir Christopher Evans - £1m
Nigel Morris - £1m
Sir Gulam Noon - £250,000
Dr Chai Patel - £1.5m
Andrew Rosenfeld - £1m
Lord David Sainsbury - £2m
Barry Townsley - £1m
Derek Tullett - £400,000
Total: £13,950,000

Labour reveals secret loans list (details)

Well, it doesn't take a genius to understand that ALL parties should declare any incoming funds, regardless of its source.
As for the proposal to let the tax-payer support political parties, I don't welcome the fact that my money could end up funding the ultra-right British National Party, or a radical Muslim party looking to introduce Sharia Law in the UK (or even George Galloway). COMPLETE transparency of funding is required - and a ceiling on the spending of political parties should be established.
Finally Tony Blair needs to take stock of a recent YouGov poll (for the Sunday Times) which showed 56% of people surveyed believed he had given peerages for money. When many of the most senior people in the Labour Party (including the treasurer, the deputy prime minister, the chancellor of the exchequer and the lord chancellor) claim they knew nothing about these loans, is it any surprise that his government is now considered as sleazy as John Major's from the 1990's?

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