Friday, March 3, 2006

Police survey - no surprise at results....

Apparently nearly one third of Asian and black people in England and Wales fear police harassment if they make a complaint against their force, according to an Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) study.
But less than 20% of white people told the IPCC they were similarly worried.
More details:
Ethnic groups 'fear police more'

A bit of a no-brainer really, considering the following article:

ANTI-RACIST campaigners and black police officers yesterday criticised a police force that allowed white officers who circulated overtly racist e-mails to keep their jobs.
Images sent by Merseyside officers included the head of a gorilla superimposed on a black woman in a bikini and entitled “Miss Africa”. Another showed the decapitated head of a black man who died after jumping on to a metal fence during a police chase. It was captioned: “Don’t run from the police.”
A third featured white eyes and teeth on a black background with a caption suggesting that it depicted a night scene in Harlem, New York.

More details:
Police keep jobs despite racist e-mails

It makes one despair for relations between police and ethnic minorities in the UK...

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