Saturday, May 3, 2008

Oh dear, Gordon (continued)...

So, less than a year after taking office, Prime Minister Gordon Brown has delivered the Labour Party's worst election result for 40 years. One has to say "serves him right" - especially after the 10p tax debacle.
Labour's heavy losses in the local council elections around England and Wales was topped off with the news that Conservative Boris Johnson is the new mayor of London, thus ending Labour's Ken Livingstone's eight-year reign at City Hall.
I didn't vote in the London elections. As I said in an earlier entry, I've had my fill of celebrity politicians and none of the candidates for London mayor appealed to me.
Brian Paddick of the Lib-Dems had good ideas, but I just wished he showed more charisma. He came over as two-dimensional.
"Red" Ken must be ruing realigning himself with Labour. But I believe the congestion charge extension and accusations of corruption and cronyism also damaged him.
As for Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson....well, let's just say he will be an interesting political figure, to say the least. He's not afraid to speak his mind and he's now leader of one of the most important cities in the world.
Considering Boris apologised in public earlier this year for calling black people "piccaninnies" and referring to their "watermelon" smiles, if I were Tory leader David Cameron, I'd worry a bit, since Mr Johnson is now the most powerful elected Tory politician in the UK.
As for our PM - the vultures are starting to circle...
Johnson wins London mayoral race
Mayor of London - role

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