Thursday, July 31, 2008

Cheerio Gordon Brown (continued)?...

Two Labour MPs say Foreign Secretary David Miliband should be sacked for disloyalty, as leadership speculation continues.
Meanwhile Miliband insists that he is not "campaigning" for the Labour leadership - despite writing about the party's future without mentioning PM Gordon Brown:
David Miliband: Against all odds we can still win, on a platform for change

I agree with Miliband's comments about Margaret Thatcher. Whether one agreed or disagreed with Maggie, one knew what she stood for. It's hard to say the same about David Cameron today.
However, whether you agreed or disagreed back then with Michael Foot and the Labour Party's left-wing 1983 election manifesto (which called for unilateral nuclear disarmament and re-nationalisation of the [then] recently privatised companies like British Telecom), you also knew what they stood for too. You had a clear choice between both parties (which is why I voted for the SDP - LOL!). Nowadays "New" Labour and the Tories are like Tweedledee & Tweedledum, and British politics is the loser...
MPs urge Brown to sack Miliband

Sunday, July 27, 2008

New movies...

While we're on the subject of future movies, I'm somewhat ambivalent about the following movies due for release: The Spirit, The Day The Earth Stood Still, and Terminator Salvation.

Guess we'll have to wait and see how good (or bad) they'll be....
Comic fans get Terminator preview

Who'll watch the Watchmen?

I have to admit - the trailer for the upcoming "Watchmen" film looks good.
But speaking as someone who loved the original classic comic series, God help Warner Brothers if the movie sucks....

"David Hayter's screenplay was as close as I could imagine anyone getting to Watchmen. That said, I shan't be going to see it. My book is a comic book. Not a movie, not a novel. A comic book. It's been made in a certain way, and designed to be read a certain way: in an armchair, nice and cozy next to a fire, with a steaming cup of coffee. Personally, I think that would make for a lovely Saturday night."
Alan Moore (co-creator "Watchmen" comic)
Official Warner Bros. site of Watchmen (film)
Watchmen (film) - wikipedia entry
Watchmen (comic) - wikipedia entry

Friday, July 25, 2008

Cheerio Gordon Brown?

Well, I'm back again - just in time to witness Labour's defeat in the Glasgow East by-election to the Scottish National Party.
SNP stuns Labour in Glasgow East

Prime Minister Gordon Brown has urged his Labour colleagues to "have confidence" in policies which he said would "persuade" voters to back the party at the next general election.

Yeah, right....sorry Gordon, but it's starting to feel just like "sunny" Jim Callaghan's last days all over again (in case you're wondering who Jim Callaghan is, he was the hapless Labour PM during the industrial chaos of Britain's "Winter of discontent" which lead to Margaret Thatcher's Conservative victory in the 1979 general election).

It looks inevitable that when the next general election is called, Labour will be wiped out.
However replacing Gordon Brown with David Cameron doesn't exactly fill me with hope.....
Brown under fire as allies rally

Hmm...I wonder if American pornstar Mary Carey is interested in British politics?
Porn Star Says She'll Seek Governor's Office

Thursday, July 17, 2008


I'll be away from my blog for a few days (need some time to myself and all that jazz).

See you all later...

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Ronaldo leaves United....

BRILLIANT parody of the current Cristiano Ronaldo soap opera (with a little help from that classic German movie "Downfall").

Seriously though, I wish Ronaldo did bugger off to Real Madrid. He's lost any respect by implying his £120,000-a-week contract (which he signed without duress less than 18 months ago) was tantamount to slavery. Cristiano Ronaldo (and Adebayor) are reminders that some of today's prima-donna footballers are more like mercenaries than slaves....
Ronaldo 'wants transfer freedom'

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Today is 07/07....

Today is the third anniversary of the July 7 suicide bombings in central London, which killed 52 people.

Ceremony to remember 7/7 victims

Journey's End (Doctor Who)

Well, it's a good thing I didn't place a bet on Serena winning yesterday......anyway, well done Venus!

However I digress..I posted the following response to yesterday's Season 4 finale of Doctor Who on another website, but having watched the repeat showing earlier tonight on BBC 3, I just had to post here too.

To quote from Captain Jack, "Brilliant!" (for the most part)

"Journey's End" had just about everything that was speculated over previously:
Two (yep - TWO) David Tennants (a clone of the Doctor, thanks to the regeneration of his severed hand from "The Christmas Invasion").
Gutsy U.N.I.T. warrior Martha Jones threatening the Daleks with the Osterhagen key (which would destroy planet Earth).
Captain Jack Harkness also gives the Daleks something to worry about, thanks to Sarah Jane's “warp star” (basically a superbomb the size of a gem).
"Exterminieren! Exterminieren! Halt! Sonst werden wir Sie exterminieren! Sie sind jetzt ein Gefangener der Daleks! Exterminieren! Exterminieren!" German-speaking Daleks (and why not? They were in Germany after all - sounds so obvious now).
Martha standing up to the Doctor debating over the use of the Osterhagen key.
Donna Noble lusting after Captain Jack.
Davros showing the Doctor his failings, by reminding him of those who died for his cause.
The Dalek's Reality Bomb (WTF?).
Davros: "Stand witness, Time Lord. Stand witness, humans. Your strategies have failed, your weapons are useless and, oh, the end of the universe is come. "
Sarah Jane & Davros reminiscing over the classic Tom Baker episode "The birth of the Daleks".
And the creation and (sadly) demise of DoctorDonna.
But why do I think that Dalek Caan's "One will still die" prophecy has yet to be fufilled?

The finale wasn't perfect: at times it felt like "X-Men: The Last Stand" - overcrowded. Also, what was the point of Jackie Tyler? If the Doctor knew the ultimate fate of DoctorDonna, why didn't he enlist the help of the other Doctor? What happens if Donna Noble meets Captain Jack, Mickey or Martha again (who are unaware that her DoctorDonna persona was removed)? Call me a cynical old cuss, but I don't think we've seen the last of Catherine Tate (aka Donna Noble).

Overall though, a fitting finale to the series...
Doctor Who finale watched by 9.4m
BBC iPlayer - Doctor Who: Series 4: Journey's End

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Serena and Venus Williams

Serena & Venus Williams clash today at Wimbledon, for the right to be declared ladies tennis champion.
Serena vs Venus should be an interesting clash. In my opinion though, Serena looks simply awesome (sorry, Venus).
Tracy Austin on Venus v Serena

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Dr Who

Well, Saturday is the last of the current series of Doctor Who, and there's one or two cliff-hangers to resolve, before he fights off those pesky Daleks. Will the Doctor truly regenerate? Which one of his trusty assistants will bite the dust? If you live in the UK, you'll find out this weekend....
The 10 greatest episodes of Doctor Who ever

Meanwhile bookmakers William Hill is taking bets on who will be replacing the current occupant of the Tardis, David Tennant - some of the candidates are rather...intriguing (Jason Statham? Daniel Radcliffe? Ye gods).....
Bookies reveal odds on who will be next Doctor Who

2/1: Robert Carlyle
4/1: Jason Statham
6/1: James Nesbitt
7/1: John Simm
10/1: Julian Walsh
12/1: Daniel Radcliffe
14/1: Nigel Harman
16/1: Bill Nighy
25/1: Catherine Tate
33/1: Billie Piper