Thursday, July 31, 2008

Cheerio Gordon Brown (continued)?...

Two Labour MPs say Foreign Secretary David Miliband should be sacked for disloyalty, as leadership speculation continues.
Meanwhile Miliband insists that he is not "campaigning" for the Labour leadership - despite writing about the party's future without mentioning PM Gordon Brown:
David Miliband: Against all odds we can still win, on a platform for change

I agree with Miliband's comments about Margaret Thatcher. Whether one agreed or disagreed with Maggie, one knew what she stood for. It's hard to say the same about David Cameron today.
However, whether you agreed or disagreed back then with Michael Foot and the Labour Party's left-wing 1983 election manifesto (which called for unilateral nuclear disarmament and re-nationalisation of the [then] recently privatised companies like British Telecom), you also knew what they stood for too. You had a clear choice between both parties (which is why I voted for the SDP - LOL!). Nowadays "New" Labour and the Tories are like Tweedledee & Tweedledum, and British politics is the loser...
MPs urge Brown to sack Miliband

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