Saturday, February 13, 2010

Oh dear Ca$hley....

Good old Ca$hley Cole. Just when folks actually start feeling sorry for him after his recent ankle injury, he goes out of his way trying to prove he's the biggest overpaid, oversexed, prized prat in football.

In all honesty, I couldn't care what Cheryl Cole does with her philandering husband - the woman isn't exactly a saint (back in 2003 Mrs Cole was found guilty of assaulting toilet attendant Sophie Amogbokpa in a nightclub in Guildford, Surrey).

But you'd think Ca$hley had learned his lesson, considering two years ago hairdresser Aimee Walton claimed she had a one-night stand with the footballer.
Nope - step forward topless model Sonia Wild and some naughty photos of Ca$hley sent to her mobile phone.....
X-rated Ashley photos sent to topless model

First John Terry, now Ca$hley. What IS it about footballers these days??

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