Friday, April 30, 2010

No matter who you vote for (continued)...

Well, we had the televised Prime Ministerial debates in the UK, and after carefully weighing up all the issues raised, I will be voting in the forthcoming General Election for (drum roll please)....MR TINKLES!

OK, I'll concede that Mr Tinkles is a megalomaniacal feline, but at least he's honest about his intentions. Also he'll resolve the vexing issue of the UK's membership in the European Union (by conquering the rest of the world).
Seriously though, Mr Tinkles would seem more bearable than Gordon Brown, (aka dead PM walking) and the Labour party. There comes a time when a government has run its course and needs to regenerate. The electorate recognised this in 1997 by electing Tony Blair's "New" Labour over a Tory government mired in sleaze, fractured over Europe, and mutinous against their embattled leader, John Major.

Fast-forward 13 years: a notorious "pension stealth tax" which has reportedly left our retirement funds £100 billion worse off; wars in Afghanistan and Iraq (the latter conflict based on spurious information); cash for peerages; a widespread expenses scandal which showed us how dishonourable our members had become; plotting by and against Gordon Brown; a financial near-meltdown and a government deficit that is one of the highest in Europe.
In my opinion, this Labour government has definitely run its course.

The winning party will need to hit the ground running.

IT'S STILL THE ECONOMY, STUPID: the governor of the Bank of England got it bang on when he reportedly stated "tough" budgetary measures were necessary for the UK. Based on official reports, Government borrowing hit a record high of £163.4bn in the last financial year. Total government debt now stands at £890bn - equivalent to 62% of our GDP. No wonder the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) recently pointed out the reluctance of our three biggest parties to explain how they'd tackle the UK's deficit. To take on this problem will mean unpleasant decisions for the British public.

PS: regardless what Gordon Brown thought of Gillian Duffy, a straightforward and balanced debate on immigration (and Europe) has to take place. Otherwise, the BNP (and UKIP) will continue to benefit from those who believe their opinions about the number of immigrants (both legal and illegal) in the UK are being suppressed...

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