And another thing: when will they stop that bloody TV ad showing Becks & Posh getting "hot and bothered" in an empty lift for their "his-and-hers" perfume? Becks looks in need of an overdue shave, and Posh ain't no actress.
In fact all the current TV perfume ads are rather naff - sorry Beyoncé, you look great but your rendition of “Fever” isn't a patch on the original. As for Jude Law's perfume ad, that deserves a prize for the most STUPID dialogue uttered on TV...
But these banal perfume ads are trivial compared to Iceland supermarket's GODAWFUL Christmas TV ads featuring Jason Donovan. Showing those Iceland ads several times during a TV break just makes we want to avoid the shop for the rest of my life...
Beyonce advert banned for being 'sexually provocative'

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