Saturday, December 18, 2010

Let it snow (the 2010 remix) - continued...

Christmas travellers face chaotic journeys as heavy snow falls across many parts of the UK, with hundreds of flights cancelled or delayed. London's two main airports, Heathrow and Gatwick, were forced to close their runways on what is normally the busiest weekend of travel during the Christmas holiday period, stranding thousands of British travellers.
Heavy snow and ice bring travel chaos across UK

Yep - the brief respite of mild weather is over, and it's back to the big winter freeze again...
Much as I'd like to join the debate about how useless we are at coping with bad weather (despite the UK suffering snow-induced chaos for the third year running), instead I'll warm the cockles of my heart by watching Charmaine Sinclair strut her stuff on TV...
Is the UK uniquely bad at coping with snow?

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